Monday, 4 July 2011

Sweet success and sour disaster

Holidays are when I get the kitchen all to myself to conduct my experiments while my poor grans do the less important chores like making the dinner. Let me check out the refrigerator and find out what are the raw materials available...Hmmm nothing interesting.One thing I shouldn't forget to mention is the strong support my family provides for my experiments. They don't freak out when i spoil a lot of things which when put together in the right quantities could have been edible. This doesn't mean that i waste things or that most of my experiments are disasters. The only way you can prevent that is by working on your sweet tooth. I'l elaborate...if you are somebody who has only entered the paavan kitchen to take a plate or search for chips, the best way to start experimenting is by preparing sweets. The best thing about sweets are that even if something goes wrong in the preparation, it will be sweet and you will be able to 'consume' it.So this evening all i have are milk and eggs. And if the first thing that comes to your mind is to make a pack out of both and nourish your already over nourished skin, let me tell you....GET OUT of the will kill food.
                  All i can think of now, to satisfy my sweet tooth, is to make a super quick marble pudding. But you might want to know the origin of my cooking habit. Well I am not quite sure when this plague started....maybe as with all the monotony of the 2min maggi made me commit this balaatkaar (as in the movie 'three idiots'). Anyways since then i never looked back or stopped.I just started by mixing up different foods which often ended up in the great recipes of the future.
                 Now I am going to molest my egg...yes beating it up as if it is my worst enemy.In goes the milk. I can indeed think of dipping some breads into this and making some toasts...but no i will never deviate from my, mission marble pudding....which is mission possible. And for the quantity of things...their comes the advantages of being a partial electronics engineer. This is when I remember the lab sessions in which i troubleshoot the faulty circuit with all the resistors and capacitors i can put my hands on and still preventing any fireworks from happening.The moral is that it is all an assumption and one thing i will never do is give up or lose hope....well maybe till the examiner literally throws me out of the window.
              So the next thing i need is sugar. Oh no I got another work to do...Mission powder sugar and all it takes is a trrrrrrrrrr in the mixer. Now is the time to ask my little brother if he wants it taste like vanilla or some other essence...He says vanilla. Easy where is the teeny weeny bottle of vanilla essence. Bad luck!!!! its empty. Never mind...remember the lab, when you don't have 25k resistor use one which is nearly the same.So all i do is take out some aromatic cardamom...remove the rinds and crush the seeds. In goes those black sweetums. Next is the most difficult of all the jobs...caramalising sugar...but you know what it is worth the effort. The sight of the crystal white cubes turning golden yellow and then deep brown is an experience. I butter the pudding tray which can be any pan...caramalise the sugar in it...pour in my mix and let it steam for sometime. A fact worth noting is that we don't own an oven...hence all me cakes and puddings are steamed which makes it more healthy and soft. Now is the long wait for my cutie pudding to be fluffy and turn into a semisolid jelly like texture. I am gona watch my favourite series 'castle' in the meantime...tata...


  1. gona read ths... lll comnt :)the respons aftr readin okkk

  2. lovly..anjali.... mouth watering artcl... but seriously did u mak a puddin?ol by urself? hw was it? presentabl n edible?

  3. yes it was and it is highly n demand

  4. waowwwwwwwww!!!! i want tooooooooooo :)

  5. fine blend of engineering tricks and cooking tips :)
